World Institute For Research In Advanced Sciences (WIRAS) , An autonomous institution under Jamia Markaz was founded in 2018 with the aim of moulding an exalted group of Islamic preachers who persues research over modern academic disciplines at the same time. WIRAS is located within Markaz Knowledge City, Biggest integrated township in south India,Offers unparalleled opportunities in multidicipliniary academic approaches with classical Islamic knowledge tradition for the students all over the world. WIRAS foster the uniqueness in right for education, intellectual independence, originality of resources, tradition with innovative and advanced researches for the sake of upgrading humanity with moral values, adhering to Sharia perspectives.
Register for eventThe problem of philosophy has existed long since the commencement of human existence. Various philosophical schools have attempted to answer the question of life, meaning, existence and so forth. Among others, Islam has left a convincing legacy of Al Hikma which has been being explored by the legends of _falsafa, kalam and Sufism, in undoing the labyrinthine life questions and has successfully passed the test of times engaging in multifarious philosophical enterprises. Furthermore, thanks to the vibrant and open-minded intellectual engagements Muslims had with other philosophies, the epistemic edifice of pure Islamic disciplines such aqida, fiqh, usul-al-fiqh have also been philosophically grounded. However, the engagement of Islam and modern philosophy- in its crudest sense of encompassing contemporary debates- merits exploration.
Here, the second WIRAS international conference on "From Al Hikma to Modern Philosophy: Methodologies of epistemic engagements in Islam" aims at contributing to the ongoing philosophical debates concerning modern philosophy and Islam. The conference hopes to tackle a major lacuna in the field and widening of its scope for further research and contemplation.